

Used to measure and locate settlement, heave, displacement and deformation in soil and rock.

A wide range including borehole rod, magnetic, and tape type extensometers typically used for monitoring excavations, foundations, dams, embankments, tunnels, shafts and sheet piles.

Data can be obtained using a portable readout or connected into a data logger for automatic monitoring.

Borehole Rod Extensometer Geo-XB2 Series

Borehole Rod Extensometer Geo-XB2 Series

The Geosense® GEO-XB2 borehole rod type extensometer range is used to measure and locate settlement, displacement and deformation in soil and rock. It consists of…

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IPX In-place Extensometer

IPX In-place Extensometer

The In-Place Extensometer (IPX) offers automated monitoring of standard magnetic extensometer installations. The system is designed for a simple, adaptable installation with a single cable…

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IPI-X  In-Place Inclinometer – Extensometer

IPI-X In-Place Inclinometer – Extensometer

The IPI-X is designed to be installed in inclinometer casing to automatically measure settlement or heave, together with tilt for full 3D borehole profiling.

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Magnetic Extensometer GXM Range

Magnetic Extensometer GXM Range

The GEO-XM settlement system is a magnet extensometer system used typically to monitor settlement and heave in foundations, excavations and embankments. Data received identifies the…

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Reed Switch Probe

Reed Switch Probe

The Reed Switch Probe is used to determine the location of magnetic sensors in magnetic settlement systems. When the reed switch passes through a magnetic…

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VW Soil Extensometer GEO-XS

VW Soil Extensometer GEO-XS

The GEO-XS VW Soil Extensometer monitors lateral and longitudinal deformation of soil and different types of embankments and embankment dams. It comprises a displacement transducer…

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Wire Extensometer GEO-DW300

Wire Extensometer GEO-DW300

The GEO-DW300 Wire Extensometer is designed to monitor the changes in distance between two anchor points and is available complete with vibrating wire displacement transducer.…

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Rotary Wire Extensometer GEO-XW100

Rotary Wire Extensometer GEO-XW100

The GEO-XW100 Rotary Wire Extensometer is designed to monitor the changes in distance between two anchor points up to a maximum of 30 metres apart.…

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Digital Tape Extensometer

Digital Tape Extensometer

The Digital Tape Extensometer is a portable device used for measuring displacement between reference anchors fixed to an excavation or structure. The instrument consists of…

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Tunnel Profile Monitoring System

Tunnel Profile Monitoring System

The Tunnel Profile Monitoring System is a series of linked rods, fixed to the tunnel wall, to monitor deformation. A data logging system and related…

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