

When you send items back or for service or repair, we know you’re looking for a simple, quick and efficient service. The following returns procedure has been introduced to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.

Please complete both sections of the form detailing all relevant information and then submit the form. Once approved you will receive an email confirming your return, please send back the product with the RAN Number written on the side of the box.

Returned delivery is payable by the customer as are all inspection charges until a time as a warranty claim has been accepted at which point inspection charges will be credited.

If the purchaser believes the product is covered by the Geosense warranty then please tick the warranty box.

NOTE: In case of potentially contaminated products being transported section (B) must be completed and attached to the outside of the product being returned. If we do not have the declaration signed and delivered with the shipment or electronically sent prior to receiving any potentially contaminated goods, then those goods will not be processed until such signed forms have been received by Geosense Ltd. Failure to complete this form could delay any works from progressing.

(A) Returning Information

Reason for Return


I declare that this equipment has not come into contact with any toxic, hazardous or radioactive substances at any time.

Note: if no please fill in contaminated components section below.


This section is to be completed if the equipment has been exposed to any toxic or hazardous materials.

Please remember that you have a legal obligation to inform Geosense if the returned equipment has come in to contact with any contamination, hazardous chemicals or asbestos etc.

Please list below all contaminants (including gases) and any decontamination process together with any cleaning materials used.


The dispatch of any contaminated goods will be in accordance with the appropriate regulations covering packaging, transportation and labelling of dangerous substances. I hereby declare that to my best knowledge the information supplied is complete and accurate.


Please fill in all the required fields in red.