Load Cell for Tunnel Linings and Struts
Load Cell for Tunnel Linings and Struts
Load Cells

Load Cell for Tunnel Linings and Struts

This type of load cell is used to monitor stresses in steel linings, struts, piles and support beams.

It consists of a sensitive pressure pad formed by joining two stiff steel discs at their periphery. The void inside the cell is filled with de-aired fluid. When load is applied to the cell the pressure of the inside liquid changes. The changes in pressure correspond directly to the load applied.

The pressure in the loads cell is measured by a resistance transducer.

Mounting surfaces should be flat and parallel for optimum performance and the use of very stiff bearing plates and load distribution plates is recommended. Electric cable connects the load cells to a suitable remote readout system.



Technical Specification

Measuring range
1,900 & 3,000 kN
>1% FS
+/-0.25% FS
Signal output
4-20 mA (current loop)
> +/- 0.02% FS
Admissible loads
150% FS
Ultimate tensile strengths
300% FS
Operating temperature
-20°C - +80°C